Our Talent 

We recognise that there is an untapped pool of talent with little access to legal opportunities. We support undergraduates and graduates from across the UK to obtain and develop the necessary legal knowledge and skills to have a successful legal career.

Our mission is provide underrepresented talent with as many opportunities as we can. This includes women and other marginalised genders, racially minoritised groups, carers, those from low-income households and talent with disabilities.

We're building a dynamic and innovative network of partners, investors and candidates who share our vision.

Why partner with us?

  • Competitive Edge: Currently legal organisations are recruiting from a small pool of talent. You will have access to diverse top talent from UK educational institutions. Securing your future talent pipeline and improving retention - saving recruitment costs.
  • Increased Profitability:  Employing underrepresented talent has been proven to increase profits. Our talent will have existing interpersonal skills and legal knowledge to hit the ground running with your organisation from day one.
  • A way to differentiate your brand: Partnering us demonstrates your commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Increasingly companies expect their suppliers to reflect their diversity, equity and inclusion vision and values.
  • A tailor-made partnership: Our advisory team includes former law firm partners and senior in-house individuals so we have insider knowledge on the challenges you face and how we can support you in finding solutions

Who do we work with?